Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Naming miss Elizabeth Gail...

Elizabeth is named after some important people in our lives, Elizabeth is after her Grandma Vergin and my own middle name, also named for my sister in Christ and close friend Elisabeth Thompson, she is a friend who has always been there for me no matter what I need I can count on her, Thank you Elisabeth for your constant prayers and words of encouragement and for the friendship we share! Love you friend/sister. Elizabeth's middle name is Gail after a good friend and mentor to Nathan and has been a wonderful person to myself as well, Gail Hobbs-Page, she is the lady who Nathan apprenticed with at her goat dairy back in 08.  We love all of you and found it appropriate to name our beautiful daughter after y'all, wish I could give you all a hug right now and let you hold her, soon you all will be able to!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are posting up a storm! These are adorable! I'm glad you finally have a deserving recipient for your name (after bestowing it on a calf and who knows what else until the real thing came along!) Can we call her Lizzie? I've always loved that name.
