Monday, January 31, 2011

Danger Zone!

"You want a ride?"
 These last few weeks have been... well, Dangerous. It seems like a couple times each week recently that I have gotten hurt from one of those oops moments. The latest one happened Saturday evening. We got snow earlier in the week and it was warmer so everything was slushy. I was walking from the barn to the milk house, carrying Ezekiel, A dozen eggs, and a small cooler. I then slipped and first thought that went through my head was safe Ezekiel and the eggs. They were both fine, not a single egg broken. I however ended up under all three with the cooler on my ankle. So now I have a bruise the size of a softball from that. There has been several other random things like having a plate break and glass cut my wrist while washing dishes. Also I was taking a bowl of butter and carrots out of the oven, before I got it to the table it slipped and when it hit the ground hot butter hit my face and eye. I think I should ask for a bubble on my B-day this year! ;-) Aside from falling Saturday was a great day, warm, sunny, and felt like spring. What better way to spend the beautiful day then cleaning all morning and early afternoon and then going outside for the remainder of the day. Not much so that is exactly what I did. We then went to the Marshall's for dinner, They are some good friends of ours that we go to church with. Sunday was a pretty enjoy able day Nathan milked then we went to church came home relaxed for a couple hours the went and did chores for about 3 1/2 hours. Came inside and had a wonderful steak from cream puff, a 10 year old Jersey cow that we took to the butcher this past fall.Finished the day out by snuggling my son and then reading a book for a little bit before bed. So far today has been a normal week day Elly is napping and Ezekiel is sitting here eating a banana for breakfast, and of course a glass of raw milk to wash it down. I am excited my mom is going to come over before going to work and is bringing her sewing machine for me to barrow for a little while! I have several projects I am looking forward to sewing.
my clean living room

Friday, January 28, 2011

Slow down month, I can't keep up!

It is hard to believe there is only three days left in this month. Today turned out to be a beautiful day, we actually got up to 40. When the sun was shinning it felt quite warm, but the wind still had a winter bite to it. I have decided that I would rather drive in the fresh snow then the nasty slush. At least when you are driving in the snow you can expect it all to be slick not many surprises but the slush pulls your tires randomly. Today is the second day this week that I have walked over a mile in the snow. I was not planning on going for a walk, but we have the Polyface cows here. They got out "again!" so I had to walk/run to close three gates on a field that is like 55 acres large. I say again because this winter we have had more problems than not with those cows. I am ready for them to be gone! but they have not been here long and will be back come summer. However the cows do provide a great workout, especially since I am always carrying a 15lb weight with me that wiggles! Yes that would be Ezekiel if you did not guess it already. Oh, so I gave Ezekiel a bath in the sink today. He really liked it, he also discovered that if he hit the water it would go everywhere. Need I say more, we had wet floors, walls, counters, and I was quite wet too. Ezekiel really is a huge Joy in my life, I can not go through a day let alone a couple hours with out him making me smile or laugh. Tonight I was singing to him trying to get him to go to sleep, well as I sang he would join in but he had his pacifier in so it sounded more like mumbled grunts. He loves to sing, every Sunday he "sings" alone with everyone else. When the singing is over and the preaching starts he thinks everyone should preach too! like everyone sang. Yep, he tries to out preach the pastor.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy baby!

This morning when I got up it was only 17 degrees outside. I am going to wait for it to warm up a bit before taking Ezekiel and Elly out in the beautiful snow! we have had a really warm winter this year this is only our third snow to actually stick. The snow is about 8 inches thick. Last night while it was still snowing I bundled Ezekiel up and went for a mile "hike" through the snow. He had not been happier all day then out in the great outdoors! As I type both Elly and Ezekiel are taking naps. Ezekiel is on my lap and just a few minutes ago he started laughing in his sleep to the point that he woke up. He then laughed and fell back asleep giggling! I am amazed everyday at how cute and adorable babies are. They really are a blessing from God, I would not give up this "job" for all the money one could offer.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Normal Day... sorta

This morning started off the same as most mornings. I got up, started a fire, made some hot peach and ginger Tea, read my Bible, all this before 8:00 am. Shortly after Elyanah was dropped off. Elyanah is a friends daughter who I keep from 8am till 5pm Monday through Friday. Ezekiel woke up shortly before this so I let them both play and watch the fire. Nap time for Elly at 9am and breakfast time for Ezekiel. and this is where my day repeats itself over and over. nap, eat, change diapers, and of course play time! Around noon it started snowing and there is now about 3 inches on the ground. Very beautiful site to look at. because of this snow I did not take my little ones outside to "play", much to their dismay. little info for you, Ezekiel is 6 months and Elly (Elyanah) is 5 months.This is how my week generally goes.