Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Elly's last week with us.

I am going back to a couple weeks ago. I took picture of a whole day. So you can "see" for yourself how blessed I am and how beautiful life is! Ezekiel and I headed outside at 8am to meet Elly at the driveway. Then all three of us went for a mile walk out to the egg mobile, and back. then we decided to go out to watch the cows get milked! after the milking was mostly done we started to get hungry, so we came back to the house and eat some breakfast. this was at about 10:30. when breakfast was over we went to see how processing (pouring milk into plastic jugs and putting them in freezer to chill) and cleaning buckets was going. We watched that for a little while then decided. to go take a nap... on the lawn :-) after our nap we went and pet the goats and said "hi" to the girls (our Jerseys that are not currently milking) all this play on the farm made some hungry little ones. so we came back to the house and had lunch. around 12:30- 1:00pm. time to swing for a while on the porch! they both love the swing. got nice and relaxed swinging and figured we should have a nap time (this time inside) well.... two hours later and we were outside playing in the little bit of grass there was. we went for another "tour" of the farm saying "Hi" to the chickens at the  Egg mobile, the milking Jersey, the girls, the goats and of course Storm and Rainbow. those two girls pretty much hung out with us most of the day. time to eat 1st dinner, and then Elly went home for the night. what a fun day we had! 

morning walk pushing stroller and carrying on back
watching milking
Ezekiel getting up close with the milkers 
"Storm" patrolling nap time!
the sky from where we napped 
sound asleep to the chirping of birds!
Swing time!
Elly playing with her first tooth
loving the swing!
playing on the ground
who doesn't enjoy a good stick?
Goat kids!
the Egg mobile ( took this last summer)

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